Beverly D. Allen
Christian Author, Teacher,
Women's Conference Speaker



"I recently read your book, "No Man's Concubine." Thank you so much for telling me I'm a Queen. Your words have changed my life for the better. "

"Your book is comprehensible, real and fresh. A lot of singles books, basically tell you to wait on your husband and keep the faith. While, your book is the prescription for healing a broken heart/spirit and valuing yourself as a woman of God. You tell us how to get healed and how to set boundaries for yourself, from a biblical perspective. This is well needed!! "

"I just wanted you to know that I finished your marvelous book, No Man's Concubine. I so believe in the message of deliverance in this book that I intend to make it mandatory reading/group discussion when I establish my transition home(s). I also intend to recommend it to women in general."

" Reading further in the book answered a lot questions that I had in my heart that I could not articulate to anyone. The advice you gave ministered to me and I discovered that I had to stop settling for less than what was intended for me. Reading your book gave me a renewed confidence in God. Honestly I still struggle with being by myself and every now and then I have to pick up your book to remind myself that I am queen."


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